Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chicago Trip

Last week I went to Chicago to see if I could transfer to an Express in Chicago. I went with my sorority sister. It took us a while to get to the store on Michigan Ave. First of all once we go to MI ave we were going the wrong way. But a nice doorman at the Hilton hotel helped us out. We had to get on a bus, but we didn't have the proper bus fare so we went to several places asking for change finally got some at Jimmy Johns. Got on the bus and we learned that the fare had gone up .25cents than the previous summer. We took to long getting off the bus and it almost started to move while we tried to get off. Finally after walking a few more blocks we made it.

I talked to a manager there and told him who I was. At first he wanted me to come back next week for a group interview but I told him I couldn't because I lived 4 hours away. So instead he told me to come back at 2 to meet with the scheduling manager. I met with her and told her how long I'd been with the company why I liked working there and why I wanted to transfer to that specific store. I was very happy to learn that I only had to go to one store and not all three. While I was waiting for the interview it was hard to me not to straighten and size stuff in the store. The other associates there probably thought I was trying to steal something because I was just walking around not trying anything on or asking for help.

So as of now I'm waiting to hear if they've contacted my manager yet. I hope I can get a start date soon. I'll have to get another part time job too. I was thinking about working at Coach. I still want to freelance for the Chicago Reader. but I'm going wait until I get to Chicago to figure that out.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Baseball Game

For mom's birthday my parents and I went to a Tigers game. Usually we go on my Dad's birthday. But we decided to change it up a bit. We got to go to the Tiger Den, Mom and I have never been but Dad had. It was buffet style. The food was good, they had sushi that night which is one of my favorite foods. We had our same seats with the guard rail. I like it because people don't get in your way. For the first time ever the Tigers won a game I went to. There were fireworks after word. They were very loud, but not as loud as the fireworks at Aunts in Chicago last July. It was great game.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thoughts on "Post Grad" Movie

So there's this movie coming out at the end of August called "Post Grad". Basically it's about this girl who's just graduated from college in this shitty economy. And she's trying to find a job along with a zillion other post graduates and people who've been laid off. Oh and she's also living back at home with the parents. It looks cute and Alexis Bledel from Gilmore Girls is in it. But the question is: Do I really want to see a movie about my life right now? Even though it looks cute I have a feeling it will just make me (and other post graduates) depressed.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A trip to TJ Maxx and Ace Hardware

Today I went to TJ Maxx and Ace Hardware store. I went to TJ Maxx to check out what hair straighteners they have. I need a new one because the one I've had for almost three years is starting to break-down. Since I don't want to shell out a couple hundred dollars for a good one I thought I'd see what TJ Maxx. They had a few Babliss hair straighteners. I was looking for a Chi or if I was lucky a GHD. I'll keep going back to see if I can find a high end one for on the cheap.

I went to Ace Hardware to look at paint swatches because I'm re-painting my room at the parents house. I've had the same paint job in my room since the 4th grade. I think it's time for a change. Currently my room is half purple and the top half is sponged in purple, pink, teal and yellow. I wanted to paint it blue but the room next to mine is blue and so is my parents. My bedspread is purple, my carpet is a rose-maroon and my furniture is light shade of wood. So I've chosen to paint it a light yellow. I'm debating between two colors. Top One: Saffron which is a light butter color. Bottom One: Yellow Brick Road which is brighter yellow.

Gossip Girl Season 3

Whoo hoo Gossip Girl Season 3 promo's are out. I watched it on CW's website last night like five times. I know that's a lot but I love this show it's my guilty pleasure. I'm also looking forward to New York Magazine's weekly recaps of each episode. And this season I will be commenting. I won't have to read the recaps during class and risk laughing out loud during lecture. One thing though I wonder why they changed the time slot for it. It's going from 8pm to 9pm like it was when it originally started two years ago. I'm not sure if the new time slot is better or worse. Either way I can't wait for September 14th, I'll be marking it in my planner!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Taking Emma to Get a Haircut

Today I had to take my Nana's dog Emma to the groomers. Mom was worried Emma would be jumping all over me in the car, but she was fine. The dude said it would take between 3-4 hours to groom her. So I decided to look around the pet store for a bit. I looked at some hamsters running away like crazy. Then I found the cats. They had adults and kittens. Reasonably priced but I still think I'm gonna get a cat from a shelter anyway. After that I found a magazine about Toy Dogs. While reading I was being bitten my a rogue mosquito, so I left. At 3:30 they called and said she was ready. So I went to get her. While in line Emma decided to go poo in the store. I was so embarrassed. After paying Emma went bathroom again. I got her home safely to Nana's.