Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grandpa's 90th Birthday

Last week I went with my parents to my Grandparents for  my Grandpa's 90th birthday. It was a lot of fun. I always enjoy seeing them.  We has a yummy ham dinner and a homemade cake that Mom and I did. We got to look at Grandpa's senior yearbook which was really cool. Grandma's starting to loose her short-term memory which is really frustrating to her. She'd forgotten where she hid Grandpa's birthday present so I had to look for it. I was successful and Grandpa liked his presents. It was weird to hear Grandpa talk about how he knew that he was "dying" and that we shouldn't act like  nothing can a happen. That was sad because one of my biggest fears is loosing him. I really want him to be alive to see me get married. I guess that's one of the reasons I want to get my life together so he can be there when it happens. I did think it was funny that he's gonna write his own obituary. He could lie about a lot of this life because there's no one that's still alive to say different. I cherish every time I get to see them because I never know when it will be my last time. I love you Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm on Twitter (again)

After failing to use Twitter appropriately last year I re-joined. I actually never deleted my last account because I couldn't figure out how and now that I have I can't remember my old password. What can I say sometimes I'm stupid. Anyway I'm under a new username TinyQueenB. One of the main reasons I stopped  using Twitter before was because I couldn't access it from my old ugly POS phone. But now that I have my fabulous EnV3 I can Tweet whenever the hell I fell like it. I love Twitter it's like legalized stalking sort of. Most of the people/organizations I'm following don't know who the hell I am but that's ok. This is probably the most anyone has used the word Twitter in a blog and I need to go to bed. So good night everyone and I hope you sleep well.

Spoke Too Soon

Well I was raving about this mascara that I'd gotten for Christmas and well it's not working out very well now. It's not that I don't like it, but I think I got a messed-up one. First it doesn't come out jet black like I thought it would. I asked the lady at the M.A.C counter why this was and she told me that it was because it was dirty since I was using it over eye-shadow. So I went home and I wiped it off with Kleenex and it made it worse. Not only is it still not darker it seems to have really dried out. I can barely get any on my lid when I press down. I don't want to give up on it because it was a gift and I'd feel bad but I also want it to work properly. I think I'm gonna have to go back to M.A.C with the mascara and show them the problem maybe I can exchange it for something else. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Monday, January 18, 2010

M.A.C Eyeliner

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything, but I've been crazy busy with the holidays. Anyway for Christmas I asked for an eyeliner from M.A.C that I had tested at the store. I am eyeliner challenged especially for the top line and I wanted to find an eyeliner that I could actually put on my eye without stabbing myself or looking like a gothic person. So I went to M.A.C and told them about my problem and they suggested the Penultimate Eyeliner and Rapid Black. The eyeliner is constructed like a pen which makes it easier to hold and the tip isn't as flimsy. It took me a bit but I can now put on eyeliner in one sweep and it looks great. Not too thick and it complements my mascara really well. I recommend this eyeliner for people who have a hard time putting eyeliner on it works great.