Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grandpa's 90th Birthday

Last week I went with my parents to my Grandparents for  my Grandpa's 90th birthday. It was a lot of fun. I always enjoy seeing them.  We has a yummy ham dinner and a homemade cake that Mom and I did. We got to look at Grandpa's senior yearbook which was really cool. Grandma's starting to loose her short-term memory which is really frustrating to her. She'd forgotten where she hid Grandpa's birthday present so I had to look for it. I was successful and Grandpa liked his presents. It was weird to hear Grandpa talk about how he knew that he was "dying" and that we shouldn't act like  nothing can a happen. That was sad because one of my biggest fears is loosing him. I really want him to be alive to see me get married. I guess that's one of the reasons I want to get my life together so he can be there when it happens. I did think it was funny that he's gonna write his own obituary. He could lie about a lot of this life because there's no one that's still alive to say different. I cherish every time I get to see them because I never know when it will be my last time. I love you Grandma and Grandpa!

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