Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm on Twitter (again)

After failing to use Twitter appropriately last year I re-joined. I actually never deleted my last account because I couldn't figure out how and now that I have I can't remember my old password. What can I say sometimes I'm stupid. Anyway I'm under a new username TinyQueenB. One of the main reasons I stopped  using Twitter before was because I couldn't access it from my old ugly POS phone. But now that I have my fabulous EnV3 I can Tweet whenever the hell I fell like it. I love Twitter it's like legalized stalking sort of. Most of the people/organizations I'm following don't know who the hell I am but that's ok. This is probably the most anyone has used the word Twitter in a blog and I need to go to bed. So good night everyone and I hope you sleep well.

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